How to check whether a TIN / CST Number is genuine ?

Many times business entities get Invoices and Forms (Form C, Form F, Form E-I, E-II) out of the state where their office is situated. As a business entity , during VAT / CST assessments , the onus is on the assesee to prove the genuinity of the Invoice/Forms and the Registration of the dealer from whom the goods are purchased. In such cases, if they want to check with regard to the genuineness of the TIN/CST Number , Forms such as “Form C” and “Form F” and the status of the same , the link provided below will help you to check the following :-

1) Search the TIN number (All India)

2) Search the CST Number (All India)

3) Verification of Forms (Form C, F, EI & E II)

Click here to check TIN/CST/Forms